So well received was the 2010 book "An Uncommon Family," the Nelson family of Iowa and Nebraska asked Legacy Preservation to try and duplicate the feat. The result is "A Street Named for Ruth," a volume about Ruth Hansen's family line, which traces its origins back to Denmark.
As the book's dedication points out, the story of the Hansen and Rasmussen families parallels every significant historic event in Denmark and the United States for the past 350 years. This set the stage for Ruth, who, for 71 years of happy marriage, became the rock of the Nelson family and the secret behind the success of H.H. "Red" Nelson.
A peek inside
Words from the client

“The Hansen and Nelson family books have given our children and grandchildren an understanding of the history of our family and a sense of where they fit in the story of our country. As they see the life their ancestors led they understand what a comparative easy life they now lead. One of the great lessons of these books is that generations before us laid down the foundation of our prosperity by personal sacrifice. Our hope is that our children’s children will understand their own obligation to leave the world a better place, adding their contributions to those of their forbears.”